Achieve a Beautiful Lawn with C & L Landscaping LLC

Your Trusted Partner for Lush, Green Lawns

Is your lawn lacking that vibrant, healthy look? At C & L Landscaping LLC, we understand the frustration of dealing with weed-infested lawns. If your lawn isn't green and healthy, it's not a Top Turf lawn!

Say Goodbye to Nutsedge and Crabgrass


Often referred to as "nutgrass," closely resembles grass and can be a persistent issue in lawns. Each weed contains up to 150,000 seeds and 700 tillers, making it a challenging adversary. Don't let these super-weeds compromise the beauty of your lawn.

We Understand Your Lawn Woes

Let's face it—nobody wants an ugly lawn. Dealing with weed-infested lawns can be tiresome and frustrating. Stop wasting money on ineffective lawn fertilization and weed control solutions. At C & L Landscaping LLC, we share your pride in your home, and we're here to help.

Why Choose C & L Landscaping LLC?

Continual Lawn Care: Our year-round service ensures your lawn receives precisely what it needs for each season.Perfect Timing: Leave the planning to us. We customize your lawn care plan based on seasonal needs and your specific grass type.

Fertilization & Weed Control Program

What to Expect: Think Green!

We're committed to giving you the best lawn you've ever had. Our custom detailed lawn plan includes:

Evaluation: We assess your lawn's overall status, considering soil condition, grass type, and usage to determine its precise needs.Lawn Fertilization: Timely applications of seasonally balanced fertilizer and micronutrients cater to your lawn's growth and overall health.Weed Prevention & Control: Our treatments eliminate various weeds, including nutsedge and crabgrass, ensuring a green and weed-free lawn.Lime Treatment: Lime is crucial for healthy turf, balancing soil pH, improving lawn color, density, and root development.Ongoing Treatments: Our program includes continual treatments every 4-7 weeks throughout the year for constant protection.

Why Choose C & L Landscaping LLC?

Friendly Technicians: Our knowledgeable technicians are ready to answer any questions and help you achieve a healthy, green lawn.Affordability: Our pricing is budget-friendly, charged per service, allowing you to stay on track with your payments easily. Free Service Calls: If stubborn weeds appear between services, we're happy to retreat your lawn at no extra charge.

Upgrade Your Lawn Today!

Don't let your lawn go unnoticed! Create a healthy, vibrant space that can bask in sunlight and nutrients. Our custom lawn care fertilization and weed control will keep your lawn flourishing, green, and happy.

Ready to start service?

Upgrade Your Lawn Now!

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How often should I water my lawn, and what's the best time to do it?

The frequency and timing of lawn watering depend on several factors, including your local climate, soil type, and grass variety. As a general guideline, it's best to water deeply but infrequently. Most lawns benefit from around 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week, including rainfall. To promote strong root growth, it's usually better to water in the early morning, ideally between 6 AM and 10 AM. This allows the grass to dry before evening, reducing the risk of diseases.

How can I improve the health of my lawn's soil?

Soil health is crucial for a thriving lawn. To enhance your soil, consider regular aeration, which improves air and water penetration. Additionally, you can incorporate organic matter, such as compost, to improve soil structure and nutrient content. Conduct a soil test to identify any deficiencies and adjust your fertilization accordingly. Finally, mow your grass at the recommended height for your specific grass type, as this helps maintain soil moisture and grass health.

What can I do to prevent weeds without using harmful chemicals?

Preventing weeds naturally is a sustainable and eco-friendly approach. To do this, maintain a healthy lawn through proper watering, fertilization, and mowing. A thick, dense grass cover makes it difficult for weeds to establish themselves. Additionally, consider using organic mulch in your garden beds to smother weed growth. Hand-pull weeds when they appear, and ensure you remove the entire root system. Regularly overseeding your lawn with grass seed can also help fill in bare spots and compete with weeds naturally. If necessary, use organic weed control methods like vinegar-based herbicides for spot treatments.

When is the best time to get my mulch beds redone?

The best time to get your mulch beds redone is in the Late Fall or early Spring. This will allow your mulch beds to stay fresh during the Summer and maintain proper soil health for plants nearby.

When is the best time to get sod installed?

The best time to get sod installed depends on the type of grass that you have. Most likely, late Fall to early Spring is when most people seek to get theirs installed due to the temperature change from Spring to Summer promoting a healthy growing phase.

When should I consider fixing my sprinkler/irrigation system?

Visible Leaks: If you notice water pooling in areas where it shouldn't or soggy spots on your lawn, it's likely there's a leak in your system.

Uneven Watering: Areas that are consistently dry or overly saturated despite the same watering schedule may indicate issues with your sprinkler heads or distribution.

Increased Water Bill: A sudden spike in your water bill could be a sign of inefficient water usage due to leaks or malfunctioning components in your irrigation system.

System Age: If your sprinkler system is over 10-15 years old, it may be prone to more frequent breakdowns and inefficiencies, requiring repairs or upgrades.

Poor Coverage: Sections of your lawn or garden receiving inadequate water or not being watered at all suggest that your system needs adjustment or repair.

Common Signs of Sprinkler/Irrigation Issues:

Reduced Water Pressure: If some sprinkler heads are spraying weaker than usual, it could indicate clogs, blockages, or issues with the water supply.

Stuck or Broken Sprinkler Heads: Heads that don’t pop up or are damaged can lead to uneven watering and should be repaired or replaced promptly.

Controller Malfunctions: Problems with the controller such as incorrect scheduling, failure to turn on/off, or erratic behavior can affect the system’s efficiency.

Strange Noises: Grinding or whining sounds when the system operates could indicate issues with valves or the water pressure.

Plant Stress: Wilting plants or dry patches in your lawn despite regular watering may signal that your irrigation system isn't performing optimally.

When is the best time to aerate?

The best time to aerate depending on grass type is mid-to-late Fall. During this time period, most of the grass in the South is in prime growing season.

When is the best time to over-seed?

The best time to over-seed depending on grass type is mid-to-late Fall. During this time period, most of the grass in the South is in prime growing season.

How often should I have my grass cut?

How often you choose to have your grass cut depends solely on the type of grass that you have and the season you are in. In most cases, it is recommended that you get your grass cut weekly or bi-weekly depending on the season.